Get "Social Proof" of what kids learn at summer camp
Summer Camp Counsellors impacting the lives of campers. Photo: Travis Allison
This morning I received a great email from one of our CampHacker Patreon supporters. I thought it would be valuable to everyone if I shared my answers on the blog. I've been covering this topic a lot this year in presentations and webinars but I figure it's worth getting it down in text, too.
Question About Creating Marketing Content:
I'm interested in learning about content. I think I can get staff and campers to send me things but I'm wondering what I should be asking them for?, favorite camp memory?, best laugh at camp?, what i learned?, favorite meal?, favorite activity?, why i love our camp?, why counselors return? I guess there are a ton of things we can go for, and would love some feedback and ideas.
You'll get good ideas from Blake Sunshine's portion of our Facebook Webinar about advertising. I believe you can get a lot more mileage out of Facebook ads then you can on Google or print advertising.
All of those things (in your question) are great to ask for from campers and staff. Of course you can't overwhelm them with "asks".
Here's how I think I would handle it: Create a contest for campers (use marketing money to create 2 free session spaces + camp t-shirts) that asks them to submit a short video explaining what has changed in their life because of camp. You can use Facebook software to set up a voting system or the videos could be judged by camp alumni. Either way you should marketing the contest with Facebook ads, photos/links in your Twitter & Instagram and with several emails out to the families in your database.
All of the other questions should go out once a week or every other week as a question on your Facebook page (make sure each one is written in text over a compelling picture from your camp). That will get you lots of response.
If you want to make sure you get the widest possible spread I would send those questions out to your Alumni database as well.
The Most Powerful Question You Can Ask A Parent
I have been talking this year about the question that I feel can have the greatest impact on reaching new parents: What changes have you seen in your child because of our camp?
I invite you to send that out as a 1 question survey to Parents. Their answers (if you are doing your job right) will be incredibly powerful to new parents.
Every parent wants to know that the experiences they pay for will have a positive impact on their child.
Do you have any questions about showing new families the value of what you have to offer? Leave those questions in the comments.