Make Your Camp Marketing Manageable
Seth Houser, Director at Camp Arrowwood
“Tired of reading Mashable, Social Media Today and other sites only to be left asking yourself? “How do I apply this to my Summer Camp?” Travis has put together a great resource that is made by a Camp Professional for Your Camp.
If your social media strategy consists of the occasional “Sign-up Today” “Tell your friends about Camp” and “Early-Discount Ends Tomorrow” you are missing the boat. I’m thankful to Travis for the life-giving resource.”
We are please to offer, from now until December 13th, 50% off our new Summer Camp Marketing Calendar!
The marketing calendar is a spreadsheet that will make your online marketing more effective and efficient.
Last week we asked our newsletter followers to outline their biggest question about camp marketing and there were 2 strong trends: How can I be the most effective in the least amount of time? and What social networks will have the biggest effect on increasing our camper numbers?
Both are questions that we answer with the Summer Camp Marketing Calendar.
“Prior to the webinar last Thursday, I was feeling overwhelmed where to begin with our social media marketing. On Friday, feeling bold, I sat down and began plotting my 5 week strategy to get our camps back on track. In order to keep it manageable for us, I’ve decided to focus on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. I believe what you do should be done well and to jump in & try to cover everything, even if it’s once per week, would be too overwhelming and we run the risk of abandoning the plan before we truly get started.
While it did take a couple of hours, I’m happy to report I am confident that I have a plan that is beneficial and easy to follow. ”
As you can see from Mary's review, we are going to offer a one hour webinar (or video recording) to every buyer. In this webinar you will learn how to use the Calendar, how to set up a simple social media posting strategy and how to make creating content that sells camp as easy as possible.
There is a no-questions-asked return policy for 30 days. Watch the Webinar then try it out for your camp. If you are not happy, email me directly ( for your refund.
If you are ready to make your camp marketing life easier: buy the calendar.