A Self-Evaluation for Camp Directors
Summer Camp Director: Self Evaluation
As Camp Directors, we are quite intentional about evaluations. We evaluate everything from people to program, food to finance, and policies to procedures. Like many things at camp, however, we often forget to put ourselves on 'the list'.
At this time of year, when, for many, the last of the rental groups has finished and the docks are coming out, it's important to take the time to self-evaluate. If you have a Co-Director or a Leadership Team who works full-time with you, it can be beneficial to share some of your answers as part of the process.
CampHacker's Director Eval:
Everybody's Got Skills
Why do you think you were chosen you to fill this role at this time in your camp's history?
What skills do you bring to the role of ____________ which make it a successful partnership with your organization?
On which skills would you like to see yourself improve?
On The Job
What 3 things are your favourite parts of this job?
What 3 responsibilities give you the most stress about your job? Please be specific.
Whatdaya Need?
What do you need from your (Board, Governing Body, Camp Community) in order the do the best job possible? (we are assuming here that you are not already receiving these things)
What outside resources do you need to access to be better at your job?
Looking Back...
What 5 words would you use to describe this year's season at camp?
List 3 things you did very well this camping season and of which you are most proud.
What was your biggest mistake -- one you will never make again?
What advice would the “You” of today give the “You of last spring/summer?
Working Well with Others
How would you describe your working relationship with your Leadership Team this camping season?
If anything, what would you like to improve in your relationship?
What 3 things would you like to have told your Team at the end of the summer?
How can you be a better support to your Leadership Team next spring/summer?
Looking Ahead...
What do you fear most for next summer?
What are you looking forward to most next summer?
What projects should you be doing this Fall so they are out of the way come next Spring? (list with realistic dates by which to be finished each project)
How will Leadership Training next summer be different from this year’s?
What is your most exciting idea for next season?
We would love to hear the questions you ask yourself at the end of every year. Reviewing and evaluating ourselves on a regular basis helps us to be more intentional in our roles as Camping Professionals.