10+ Maintenance Skills Every Camp Director Needs to Know - CampHacker #135

Because you wear many hats as a Camp Pro - and one of them is often a hard-hat!

As a Camp Pro, there will be a time when either you won’t have a maintenance team, or there will be too many things that need to be fixed.

When that time comes, you can either pay for someone to come in OR roll up your sleeves and get to work.

That being said, most Camp Pros don’t get into the industry with a background in maintenance. And while we’re not suggesting you take time off to do a bunch of apprenticeships, some basic maintenance will definitely go a long way!

Gabz, Chris, Joe and Travis huddle up to bring you their most useful maintenance skills that will both save you money and leave you with that sense of satisfaction that comes from fixing something yourself.

What is your most used maintenance skill at camp? Let us know in the comments!

Tool of the Week – Make Yourself a Better Camp Director

Travis: Franz App

ChrisNative Land app and website

Gabz: Chainsaw 

Joe: Picquic Screwdriver - “If Chuck Norris was a screwdriver, he would be a Picquic.”

Your Hosts:

Mentoring the Next Generation of Camp Pros - CampHacker #134

The future of the camp industry rests on the shoulders of our current leadership staff. How do we help them take the plunge into full-time camping?

Every year you come back to camp, it becomes less and less about yourself.

We always need to be looking forward. No matter how challenging times are, the camp industry will recover and is going to need new leadership.

How can we give the future generation of camp pros the best leg-up as they shape and leave their stamp on the industry?

What is one piece of advice you’d give to the next generation of camp pros? Let us know in the comments!

Tool of the Week – Make Yourself a Better Camp Director

TravisBlank Playing Cards - Matte Finish + Blank Dice
Gabz: Miro
Joe: https://www.goggles4u.com/ - online prescription eyeglasses - CHEAP

Your Hosts:

Other Sources of Revenue - CampHacker #133

Camp people are creative people and this year, more than ever, we need to extend that creativity into revenue generation.

Haven’t we talking about this before? Yes! Twice! AND - Can you ever have enough ideas for drumming up some new revenue?

Join Gabz, Chris, Travis and Joe as they unpack a TON of new ideas to generate some more money to help your camp whether the financial lows of 2020-2021.

What are some of the successes you’ve had with creative revenue generation? Let us know in the comments!

Tool of the Week – Make Yourself a Better Camp Director

TravisBody Back Buddy Classic - Back Massager

ChrisCasio F91W-1 Classic Resin Strap Digital Sport Watch

Gabz: Wax Cardboard

Joe: The Laws of Simplicity - John Maeda

Your Hosts:

Running Camp with Less - CampHacker #132

Summer 2021 will probably not be a summer of abundance. Here’s how to be ready to do just as much (or more) with less at your camp this summer.

This will be a summer that will unify camps that are used to having lots and those who are making it work with less.

As we gear up and mask up for the summer of 2021, our program budgets will quickly turn into hand-sanitizer budgets and the creative problem-solving abilities that we’ve been fostering will definiteily be put to the test.

Don’t fret though, the CampHacker team has your back. All of our team, Gabz, Chris, Joe and Travis have had lots of experience in the non-profit camp world and are ready to share their frugally magic camp tips.

We think this episode talking about having a little gives you a LOT of great ideas.

What are your best tips for doing camp with more scarce resources? Let us know in the comments!

Tool of the Week – Make Yourself a Better Camp Director

Travis:  Two articles from Kevin Love with the Cleveland Cavaliers: Everyone is Going Through Something & To Anybody Going Through It

Chris: Slack for staff and group communication.

Gabz: Just Not Sorry

Joe: Inspiring Newsletters - The Magnet, 3-2-1 Thursday newsletter, Laura Olin

Your Hosts: