Creating Your Own Support Network - CampHacker #131

The road to the summer of 2021 is one that we shouldn’t walk alone.

Camp Directors everywhere are so quick to say “it’s lonely at the top” but does the conversation really stop there?

We are doing the best we can, but at a certain point, we can’t do it alone.

Who do you turn to? Who are the people that you can rely on when things are tough?

This episode of the CampHacker Podcast is all about finding the people that are going to get you through the sometimes lonely work of being a camp director.

Tune in to hear what’s worked for Travis, Gabz, Chris and Joe.

Who’s in your support network? Let us know in the comments!

Tool of the Week – Make Yourself a Better Camp Director

Travis:  USB LED Clock for minding the time in Zoom meetings and webinars


Gabz: Owaves

Joe: One Page Internet -

Your Hosts:

What Have We Learned in the Last 6 Months? - CampHacker #130

At the end of a long and weird summer, let’s take a second to reflect on what we’ve learned from a Summer Camp season in a global pandemic. Welcome to season 10 of the CampHacker Podcast.

We’re on the other side of the summer of 2020.

Wait, really? Where did the summer go? What happened?

We need to do what Camp Pros do best. It’s the skill that we teach kids about in every great team-building activity - reflection. And yes, yes, yes we know, reflecting after something hard is the last thing we may want to do, but as you know, the best debriefs happen after a team-building activity doesn’t go super well.

So after a summer that - as a massive understatement - didn’t go super well - Who better to dig into it than the CampHacker Podcast crew.

Hear from Travis, Gab, Joe and our new host, Chris on how the summer of 2020 went for them and what they are taking away from it.

What do you want to hear from the CampHacker Podcast this season? Let us know in the comments!

Tool of the Week – Make Yourself a Better Camp Director

Travis: (pronounced Jukebox) - an app that lets people work together on creating a live DJ playlist.  USB LED Clock for minding the time in Zoom meetings and webinars

Chris: ZoomJam! -

Gabz: Mini Club Social -

Joe: Scroll Saw - Hegner - or entry level  or FUNDO -

Your Hosts:

Thanks to our sponsor!

Racism in Recreation - with Dr. Daniel Theriault - The CampHacker Podcast

A conversation around how to make the camp and recreation industries a more welcoming place for a wider range of people.

In this special summer bonus episode, Travis is joined by Dr. Daniel Theriault to discuss racism, power and privilege in the recreation industry. Dr. Theriault and Travis dig into some of the work that’s needed to subvert these unhealthy systems within the rec and camp industry.

It’s a great interview and we’re so grateful to Dr. Theriault for joining us.

Some notes from this interview:

Dr. Theriault proposes three things that all recreation professionals, camp professionals, and white people can do to start to

  1. Work to see power and privilege - the power systems that shape the way the world works (racism, classism, etc.).

  2. Take responsibility for our role in those systems.

  3. Take anti-racist actions.

Drilling down into some specifics:

  • Normalize the lack of comfort that will surely follow when we start to confront our involvement in systems power and privilege

  • Read what is painful - read and absorb information on the BIPOC history and experience so we are better equipped to serve our campers through that lens of understanding.

  • Think about the media that we absorb and how BIPOC communities are represented in those shows and movies.

Daniel and Travis come to some for the Summer Camp Industry as a whole:

  • Be careful about the language we use and the messages it sense. For example, how might “Color War” be perceived in light of the racial conflict that has existed in communities over the last 200+ years.

  • Look at policy - Who do we value? Who do we hire? Why do we hire them?

  • Educate ourselves and others on the history of the land our camp is on and who occupied the land not just before the camp, but before settlement.

  • Increasing representation of diverse staff at your camp. This can help your camp start to truly look like a camp where BIPOC campers can see themselves.

    • First steps here include ensuring our pre-camp training includes topics of power, privilege and the contexts of racism.

    • Building relationships of trust with community organizations, HBCUs and other places where you may look to hire BIPOC folks.

Remember, these are bullet-points, not check-boxes. Undoing the systems of racism, power and privilege is going to be lifelong work.

Thank you to those Camp Pros who are committed to continuing to do this continued work.

Links from this episode

Your Hosts:

PREVIEW: Beyond Camp: Exploring the Intersection of Camp and Our Lives

A Camp Podcast, in the Summer!?

Coming July 9th, 2020: Beyond Camp: Exploring the Intersection of Camp and Our Lives
As much as people like to talk about camp and ‘the real world’ as two separate entities, camp professionals know that this simply isn’t true. Beyond Camp dives into how different aspects of our lives affect our camp experience, effectively bursting the camp bubble and welcoming all parts of our lives into the conversation.

For the summer, stay tuned to the CampHacker Podcast feed. We're releasing a new show every week!

We hope you enjoy this preview! Episode one drops July 9th at 6 am.

If you have any feedback or ideas for future topics please get in touch! -

Go well and safely friends, see you next week.