Camps and the Environment - CampHacker #101

Because Camps are a Catalyst for Environmental Stewardship

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It would not be a huge revelation to say that at most camps, kids have a unique ability to discover and foster a relationship with the environment.

It would also not be a huge revelation to say that most camps are inherently taking on sustainability and green-education.

Whether it's teaching kids about the local animals and trees, having a no-food-waste policy or even something as simple as encouraging as campers to take shorter showers, it's safe to say that our industry is off to a pretty good start in terms of "going green".


In the world of technology, nature deficit disorder and climate-change, it's time for camps to raise the bar. From the philosophies, to the policies, to the on the ground environmental practices, we need to start thinking intentionally about what we can do to be leaders of environmental stewardship.

To discuss ways that we can step up their sustainable game, Travis is joined by three new guests - Danny Sudman from Green Camps and of the first partners of the Green Camps Initiative, Jacob Rodenburg from Camp Kawartha and Seth Herschthal from Blue Star Camps. In this episode, you're sure to find both the philosophical motivation and the practical means to make your camp shine green next season!

What are you already doing to be a sustainable and environmentally focused camp? Let us know in the comments section below!

Tool of the Week – Make Yourself a Better Camp Director

Seth: Relentlessly focus on your core values
Seth: The Ideal Team Player
Jacob: The Big Book of Nature Activities
Jacob: Websites: Drew MonkmanStep Outside
Danny: PDF -  10 Free Camp Sustainability Solutions
Travis: Fidget Spinner

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