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Camp teaches kids the value of community.
Welcome, friends, to the third episode of The Because of Summer Camp Podcast.
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This episode, we are happy to welcome Natasha “Plinko” Dunn to the show. Plinko works on a daily basis in the “real world” to build community as a elementary school teacher. Today, we discuss some of the skills and ideas that summer camp has helped develop Plinko into THE community building wizard.
At camp, staff and campers are put into a place and are required to live and function together. It’s only natural that there are challenges and difficulties that they are bound to come up against.
But worry not! Camp staff are invested in the campers, and are taking time to get to know each of the campers for who they really are. Throughout a week at camp, counsellors and leadership team members each make the conscious effort to maintain a healthy relationship with all of the people around them. With this type of support system, it only makes sense that camp is probably the strongest community I have ever been a part of. Ever since I was a wee one, just an eight year old, I remember observing how camp community functioned and made so much more sense than many of the other communities I had been a part of. The empowering proponent of emotional safety that really only does come from a healthy community is so very inspiring and I truly think that is why camp staff come back year after year to work harder than anywhere else on the planet.
We truly think that camp has the power to help inspire the community builders of tomorrow!
If you have any questions or comments or ideas please contact us and let us know!
Until next time,
Tangible Take-Aways - Applying camp’s lessons to your life
Iscus - Draw a community mind map on a white board, write down each community you have been a part of and how each of these communities have helped you and supported you throughout your life.
Arae - Reflect on what community means to you and try to find some media that articulates your idea of community and then share it in the comments below. Look for a ted talk, a blog post, anything that speaks to your idea of community
Natasha - Create a positive culture in your workplace through praising other people, and why you are praising them. Think to Michael Brandwein’s Describe label praise concept, labeling things we appreciate is much more important than just saying “thats awesome high five!!!”
DLP - Describe the action, Label the quality that it shows, Praise the action
Please feel free to comment below on how you did with our challenges. Good luck!
Your Hosts
Natasha Dunn, Elementary School Teacher - MsDunnOnline.ca, http://therookieteacher.ca/
Matt Honsberger, Co-Host - The Because of Summer Camp Podcast
Ian Paton, Co-Host - The Because of Summer Camp Podcast