My Mightiest Mess-Ups - CampHacker #170

None of us are perfect. Come celebrate, and learn from our mistakes!

We’ve all been there - so why not be there, together?

The positive way to frame mistakes is of course, “these were just learning experiences”, but it sure doesn’t feel like that in the moment.

We all process mistakes that we make differently. Some people hold onto it. Some immediately move to problem-solving but the true camp pros out there know how to own the suck, not repeat it and set others up for success.

We’re grateful for the vulnerability that Gabz, Travis, Chris and Joe show in this episode by sharing about the small…and not so small screw-ups in their camping careers.

Come commiserate with us in this episode!


Tool of the Week – Make Yourself a Better Camp Director

Your Hosts:

Thanks to our sponsors!


Scheduling is the backbone of every camper’s experience, but when there’s a staffing change, it’s almost impossible to fill that role with someone who knows all of the nuisance a schedule takes. Come check Camptivities out; specifically designed for camps by camp people. Find out more at


Wouldn’t it be refreshing if your registration software gave you MORE time? With UltraCamp, you can track attendance, manage staff applications, streamline registration, and much more. Get back the time you need to focus on what is really important: CAMP! Find out more at

Debriefing 2022 and Seeking Patterns - CampHacker #169

Our summers may have been different, but the common thread is that our industry will never be the same again.

If we ever needed something to teach us the lesson that “camp, like it was in 2019 isn’t coming back” the summer of 2022 was it.

Holy moly folks.

We hope that you’re doing okay.

We know that not everyone is in the same boat, and who knows, maybe 2022 was your best summer yet (if it was…will you come on the Podcast and tell us about it?). But we all have to collectively shake our damn heads and realize that things have changed.


Too dramatic? Maybe. Or maybe not.

This summer 2022 debrief episode with Travis, Chris, Gabz and Joe gets a little bit spicy - but it’s for good reason. We need to keep asking questions, pushing each other and digging in on what our campers, families and staff need as we keep this industry alive.


Tool of the Week – Make Yourself a Better Camp Director

Do you read the show notes? Let us know - click the following link to receive 10% off a lifetime subscription of Go Camp Pro's 5-Minute Fridays. (psst. Even if you don't buy anything, clicking this link will still help!)
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Your Hosts:

Thanks to our sponsors!


Scheduling is the backbone of every camper’s experience, but when there’s a staffing change, it’s almost impossible to fill that role with someone who knows all of the nuisance a schedule takes. Come check Camptivities out; specifically designed for camps by camp people. Find out more at


Wouldn’t it be refreshing if your registration software gave you MORE time? With UltraCamp, you can track attendance, manage staff applications, streamline registration, and much more. Get back the time you need to focus on what is really important: CAMP! Find out more at

Why Society Doesn't Value Camp (and What We Can Do About It!) - CampHacker #168

We NEED to tell our story.

Coming out of this major phase of the pandemic is our industry’s biggest chance to prove our value. Period.

We need to do everything we can to show the world that camp is more than a place with games, songs and friends. But how do we do that when there are still so many incorrect stereotypes about what we do?

Travis, Joe and Chris share how they, along with many other pros are flipping the narrative and how YOU (yes you!) can get involved.


Tool of the Week – Make Yourself a Better Camp Director

Do you read the show notes? Let us know - click the following link to receive 10% off a lifetime subscription of Go Camp Pro's 5-Minute Fridays. (psst. Even if you don't buy anything, clicking this link will still help!)
(click here -

Your Hosts:

Thanks to our sponsors!

Crazy Creek

Crazy Creek Products has been perfecting Just Sit There for campers and staff alike since 1987. Mention this ad when you email or call in and receive 10% off your entire order and free single-colour logo on your Crazy Creek’s! No tool is more vital at camp than a Crazy Creek! Call 800-446-3446 or email Chelsea to guarantee your chairs for the 2022 season!


Wouldn’t it be refreshing if your registration software gave you MORE time? With UltraCamp, you can track attendance, manage staff applications, streamline registration, and much more. Get back the time you need to focus on what is really important: CAMP! Find out more at

What Does It Mean To Call Camp "Home"? - CampHacker #167

Because what other “home” comes with a Gaga pit and 20+ dining hall tables?

We know you’ve heard it. “Camp is my home away from home!” - some camps even go as far as saying “welcome home!” to everyone that drives up the camp road.

Why does that happen?

What is it about the summer camp experience that causes something in our brains that says “I’m home”.

And what happens for the people that it doesn’t?

Chris, Gabz, Joe and Travis get together for a great philosophical chat about what we do, and can do more of, to make that “home” experience for truly everyone that enters our program.


Tool of the Week – Make Yourself a Better Camp Director

  • Chris: Codenames, online codenames

  • Gabz: - Online Collaboration Tool

  • Joe: Super MEGA Lucky Box - Board Game for all - and you can play solo

  • Travis:

Do you read the show notes? Let us know - click the following link to receive 10% off a lifetime subscription of Go Camp Pro's 5-Minute Fridays. (psst. Even if you don't buy anything, clicking this link will still help!)
(click here -

Your Hosts:

Thanks to our sponsors!

Crazy Creek

Crazy Creek Products has been perfecting Just Sit There for campers and staff alike since 1987. Mention this ad when you email or call in and receive 10% off your entire order and free single-colour logo on your Crazy Creek’s! No tool is more vital at camp than a Crazy Creek! Call 800-446-3446 or email Chelsea to guarantee your chairs for the 2022 season!


Wouldn’t it be refreshing if your registration software gave you MORE time? With UltraCamp, you can track attendance, manage staff applications, streamline registration, and much more. Get back the time you need to focus on what is really important: CAMP! Find out more at