Marketing Your Summer Camp Today - with Jiné Andreozzi and Amanda Hinski - CampHacker #126

Being (or acting as) a marketing expert. The perfect answer for when someone asks, “so, what do you do the rest of the year?”

Many of us didn’t get into this business because we love marketing.

We do what we do because we believe in the transformative power that the camp experience has on a child’s life. We do it because we want to create communities of inclusion and welcoming for our staff. We do it because we want to create a world of creativity and wonder for kids.

Well, guess what? You can build those things, but if there are no people to experience it, then what’s the point? It’s one thing to have an amazing staff, wonderful programs or sparkling facilities, but if we don’t properly tell the story of those things and the way they impact the lives of kids, then we aren’t doing them the justice they surely deserve.

That’s why every camp director needs to channel their inner sales-person once and awhile.

And while this isn’t necessarily easy, it doesn’t have to be painful. Not only are there zillions of marketing courses, books and seminars you can take, but there a ton of camps and inner-industry experts that you can look to for advice and examples.

In this episode of the CampHacker Podcast, Travis, (the Camp Marketing Maverick himself) is joined by two excellent and intentional camp marketers. A big thanks to Jiné Andreozzi and Amanda Hinski for so openly sharing their best practices with the industry in this way.

Tune in to this episode to hear more about:

  • What’s the best foundational advice for camp marketers?

  • As camp is getting closer, what are some of the most effective things we can do to market our programs?

  • How to strategically communicate with our families from pre-registration to day one of camp How do we build trust in the idea of summer camp to those who might not understand it?

  • What marketing techniques are being used in the business world that camps can leverage?

  • What should we be asking in our end of season survey to most effectively target our advertising?

  • Many more great marketing nuggets!

What are you doing to tell your camp’s story this time of year? Tell us about it in the comments!

Tool of the Week – Make Yourself a Better Camp Director

Travis: Board Game - “Welcome to...Your Perfect Home” -

Amanda: “Getting Things Done” by David Allen -

Jiné: Grammarly -

Your Hosts:

Thanks to our sponsor!

Radtagz - Be and Be Known

The Flow of the Camp Day - with Ruby Compton - CampHacker #125

Where can you find some creativity in your daily schedule? (and where shouldn’t you?)

As camp people, it’s in our nature to innovate. We are great at looking at routine or program and think, “Hey, wouldn’t this be better if we did this!?”. This is even something that we praise staff for. How many of your evaluation forms list “creative thinking” as a trait that is seen as desirable?

The problem can come when our creative ambitions give us the desire to tweak something that has been intentionally done, without considering or consulting those intentions.

It’s a tricky line to tow. We need to balance our creativity with the fact that routines are important for campers, staff and families. Things that affect our camper’s circadian rhythms, dietary schedules and some of their other Maslow’s needs should be strongly considered before we make a big change.

To help you tow that line between magic and monotony, Travis, Joe and Dan are once again joined by Camp Code Co-Host, Ruby Compton. Ruby’s many years in and around the camp industry have given her a unique perspective on what is up for changing and what should stay sacred this summer.

Tune in to this episode to hear more about:

  • How routines affect campers and their families

  • How camps walk the line between routine and ritual

  • How to set boundaries for staff on what is and isn’t fair-game to change

  • What are the important parts of the day that are absolutely necessary to include

  • How to inject some creativity into the necessary and the in-between times

  • Many, many more great ideas!

What is something special about the flow of your Camp Day? Tell us about it in the comments!

Tool of the Week – Make Yourself a Better Camp Director


Joe: - Auctions for Camp Stuff

Ruby: The Non-Profit Leadership Team by Fisher Howe

Dan: The Power of Showing Up by Tina Bryson & Dan Siegel

Your Hosts:

Thanks to our sponsor!

Radtagz - Be and Be Known

COVID-19 and Summer Camp - with Dr. Amy Greer - A CampHacker Podcast Interview

As of March 6th, 2020, What you need to know about COVID-19 and Summer Camp

This special edition of the CampHacker Podcast is an interview with Dr. Amy Greer surrounding COVID-19 and what we know, as of March 6th, 2020 and summer camp.

Dr. Amy Greer is one of Canada's top infectious disease specialists and researchers, Dr. Amy Greer and a summer camp alumnus. You can follow her on twitter here -

There’s a lot of great information here, and it’s definitely worth the listen.

Some quick takeaways (many more in the recording):

  • Amy asked that we not share this video with our families - the information will become out of date quickly. It was recorded on Friday, March 6th

  • You need to be consulting your local Health Department (I assume you're doing this already) for 2 things: what to be preparing now for your medical procedures this summer and making a call closer to this summer about whether/how camp will run

  • you should prepare a new procedure this summer to get all families to confirm, no more than 48-hours before camp, that their camper is not symptomatic

  • you should be ready with new cleaning/disinfecting procedures this summer.

We hope you find this interview helpful. If you have any follow-up questions, please forward them to

Disclaimer: This is not legal advice, nor does it act as a substitute for keeping yourself up to code with your governmental health regulations. Please act with an informed and current perspective.

Re-Post - Combating Communicable Diseases at Summer Camp - CampHacker #56

2020 Re-post - Preventing Spread of Norwalk and Other Infections at Camp

Podcast: Subscribe in iTunes | Stitcher App  (search for CampHacker)

Hey Camp Pros, with concerns about the coronavirus and COVID-19, we’re going off-schedule and digging this show out of the CampHacker archives.

Shortly, we’ll be releasing a new episode that specifically focuses on what camp pros should be thinking about when it comes to camp, coronavirus and COVID-19.

Sign-up for the Go Camp Pro newsletter and we’ll send the episode right to your inbox.


I have often said that camp would be an amazing place for a public health researcher to take a look at the ways that diseases are spread throughout communities.   I have watched little things like pink eye or head lice (traumatic, but not life-threatening) run through camp in less than a day.

In this episode of the CampHacker Podcast Gab and I were thrilled to bring in Marty Ferguson from YMCA Camp Chief Ouray in Colorado.  Camp Chief Ouray has developed some very smart protocols to protect their camper and staff from diseases that can spread at camp.

We also had John MacDonald, my step-dad, who is a retired Health Inspector from Ontario, Canada.   John has had a long career in the public health field and was always a great resource to Beth and I.     

Thank you to both of them for being on the show! 

Download our Camp Kitchen Compliance Record

We hope you get lots from our discussion.   

If you have any questions about communicable diseases at camp please leave them in the comments below or send us a tweet to @CampHacker using the #CampPros hashtag.


Tool of the Week – Make yourself a better Camp Director

Gab: Twitter for your desktop
Marty: Season of Life by Jeffery Marx
John: HACCP training 

Your Hosts:

Thanks for the evening, friends.