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What if Camp Doesn't Run in 2020? - The CampHacker Podcast

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COVID-19 and Summer Camp. The hard question that we need to be asking in April 2020.

This question is a definite punch in the gut.

However, as the COVID-19 situation evolves, we need to consider the very real possibility that we may not see a summer of camp until 2020.

It sucks. A lot, but if we think of this in the sphere of things we can and things we can’t control, things become a little clearer.

We may not have control over if the summer of 2020 runs, but we do have some control over if camp will survive in the long-run.

Tune in to this episode to hear Gabz, Travis and Joe discuss

In this emergency episode, we discuss:

  • What should camp professionals be considering and planning for when there is this much uncertainty in the camp world.

  • What are the practical things we need to consider if there is no spring/summer 2020?

  • If camp doesn’t run in 2020, what can we do to help camp survive and thrive in 2021?

    • Hint: You probably shouldn’t be relying on the fund you would get from not refunding people’s camp fees or differing them until next summer.

  • How to preserve the institutional memory of how camp runs if you’re going to miss a summer.

  • How to support your community amidst what will surely be devastating news.


This is not legal advice, nor does it act as a substitute for keeping yourself up to code with your governmental health regulations. Please act with an informed and current perspective.


Tool of the Week – Make Yourself a Better Camp Director

Travis: Marco Polo app

Joe: Strange Collections - and why you should share them.

Gabz: Walk and talk - Bose

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