Do Kids Need a Summer Camp Technology Vacation? CampHacker #10
Unplug at Summer Camp
We talked this week about technology. It's probably pretty obvious that we believe that modern technology is a boost to summer camps, however, our question this week: Is technology always good for our campers? Should camp be the "place apart" where children can learn to use their imagination with out computers?
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Do Kids Need a Summer Technology Vacation - CampHacker #10
Dan was gracious enough to share with us a bit of information from his Masters thesis, which is on this very topic. He has written and spoken on this topic at many camp conferences.
It was great to have with us this week Rebecca Jess from Cairn, the camp that Beth and I used to Direct. Thanks for joining us, Palais!
What do you think? Is there a NEED for a place like camp for kids to unplug?
Tool of the Week – Something that you use to make yourself a better Camp Director
- Joe - Brother P-Touch Label maker
- Dan - S'More: Fundraising Resource for Summer Camps
- Rebecca - MadMimi - email newsletter service
- Travis - Petzl MYO-XP headlamp (Black Diamond headlamp with night-vision preserving red LEDs)
(please note: Amazon products are affiliate links)
Your Hosts:
- Joe Richards, Executive Director at Pearce Williams Christian Centre
- Travis Allison, Summer Camp Leadership and Marketing Consultant at Walking Maverick
- Dan Weir, Director of Camping Services at Frost Valley YMCA
- Rebecca Jess, Director at Cairn Presbyterian Camping & Retreat Centres