Acknowledging White Privilege in Training - Camp Code #106
Our staff are ready for this conversation…are you?
White privilege is real and it’s everywhere, even at summer camp. Join us today as we talk about what we can do about it. But first, here’s our disclaimer: We are looking at this through the lens of three white individuals and our focus today is to encourage white folks to do the work.
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Best Practice for Leadership Training
From Beth - Credit to Peggy McIntosh
Peggy McIntosh is the founder of the seed project and says that in order to understand the way privilege works, you have to be able to see patterns and systems in social life but you also have to care about individual experiences. One’s own individual experience is sacred, testifying to it is very important but so is seeing that it is set in a framework outside of one’s personal experience that is much bigger and has repetitive statistical patterns in it. In an article by Harpers Bazaar, Peggy shares 20 everyday examples of white privilege that are taken advantage of to shed light on some of the realities experienced in real life. The full list of examples curated by Peggy McInstosh can be found at Have your staff break into small groups and talk about these examples.
Another example is which has a toolkit and resources that can be used to help facilitate camp training.
Your Hosts:
Beth Allison, Camp Consultant - Go Camp Pro
Ruby Compton, Chief Exploration Officer - Ruby Outdoors
Gabrielle Raill, Camp Director - Camp Ouareau
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