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What #SummerCamp Videos Should Look Like

Lessons in the Best Summer Camp Marketing Videos

Canada's Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC) is an outdoor clothing and equipment store - you can think of it as our version of REI - they have a brilliant YouTube channel.  (BTW, I believe one of my camp friends was involved in creating their social media strategy)

This series is a perfect example of what camp videos should be:

  • short
  • quick cuts
  • amazing cinematography (short depth of field, cameras that move through the shot, creative angles, etc.)
  • good music

All of these things are possible on a tight camp budget these days - you could shoot something like this (with some small trade-offs) on an iPhone.

See this content in the original post

Looking for other camp video ideas?  Check out my 10 Things Every Camp Should Do On YouTube presentation.

Have you got some great camp video to show us?  Leave us a link in the comments.